SnipeSkins Editorial Policy
At SnipeSkins, we're committed to providing accurate, trustworthy information about Rust and CS2 topics. Here's how we maintain high standards:
- Expert Writers: Our content is created by gamers who know Rust and CS2 inside out. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and updates in skin trading.
- Fact-Checking: We double-check all information before publishing. If we make a mistake, we fix it quickly and openly.
- Clear Sourcing: When we use information from other places, we always say where it came from. We only use reliable sources.
- No Hidden Agenda: We're upfront about being a marketplace. Our goal is to help you make smart decisions about buying and selling skins, not to push specific items.
- User Feedback Matters: We listen to our users. If you spot an error or have concerns, let us know. We'll look into it and make changes if needed.
- Regular Updates: The skin market changes fast. We review and update our content regularly to keep it current.
- Separating Facts from Opinions: When we share opinions, we clearly label them as such. We stick to facts for market info and pricing.
- No Tolerance for Scams: We're committed to fighting fraud. We won't publish anything that might help scammers or cheaters.
- Clear, Simple Language: We explain things in plain words. No confusing jargon or fancy terms – just straightforward info you can trust.
By following these rules, we aim to be your go-to source for reliable information in the Rust and CS2 skin marketplace. Trust and accuracy are our top priorities.